
Friday, August 2, 2013

Sew Weekly Reunion Challenge and Pattern and Notions Swap

I am a swap virgin.  I have no idea what I am doing.  But I am giddy with anticipation and nervous for the reaction of my swap partner.

The four Sew Weekly gals from 2011 have resurrected a theme based sewing challenge in a reunion and swap.  I heard about this by clicking away at the 100s of sewing blogs I follow and am so glad that I stumbled upon it (if I spent half of the time sewing instead of stalking, I would be an expert seamstress by now!).  The theme this time around was inspired by the new Pantone fall color scheme.  Anyway, you can read more about it here so that you don't have to read my ramblings.

I just packaged up my goodies to send along to my swap partner.  I hope that she enjoys them!  I am anxious to see who had me for their swap partner and what goodies they thought of just for me.

Swap Package Ready to be Shipped!

I'm already working on my item to submit for the Sew Weekly Reunion challenge.  I hope it goes well.  I'm a little out of my league but there are some great sewists out there who I truly adore, even if I have never met any of them.

Using this 100% Thai Silk for my challenge


  1. Hi Toni! I just received your package! Thank you so much! I love both of the patterns and surprisingly didn't have either one! I actually think I will use one for the the first sew weekly reunion challenge. Thank you again and I hope you get some things you love in your package!! :)

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