Thursday, April 18, 2013

Film Petit Sewing Series: Back to the Future

Just ask anyone what my favorite movie of all time is and without fail they will shout "Back to the Future".  And I'm not alone!  Check out Skirt As Top, a little gray, and MADE.  I am so totally doing this.  I have my own little George McFly at home!

At least now I know that I'm not the only one with a slightly crazy love obsession with a movie from the '80s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back to the Future was the first ever movie I watched in America. I was on a choir tour around the east coast in 1985, not long after Live Aid. One of the host families decided to take some of us backward English teens to an American movie theatre to see Back to the Future. I was blown away. For a start our cinemas had 3 screens at the most, American ones are HUGE. And the good?!! It's been a family favourite ever since...and indeed I even took my kids to a proper movie theatre last year for the anniversary screening. It's fabulous anyway, but so much better on a big screen with lots of other people. Thank you so much for this post, and showing me those other blogs....they're fab, going to add them to my Feedly reader!